<key words>
the Star Festival 七夕、星祭
the once-a-year meeting 一年に一度会うこと
origin 起源
Legend 伝説
Altair and Vega アルタイル星(彦星) と ベガ星(織姫)
Milky Way = Galaxy 天の川 = 銀河
bamboo branches 笹
strip of paper 短冊
“Tanabata” is “the Star Festival” held on July 7th.
It’s to celebrate the once-a-year meeting of two stars being lovers.
The origin of the star Festival is a Chinese Legend.
According to a Chinese legend, the two stars- Altair and Vega loved each other so much that they stopped working. So a god separated two stars by the Milky Way.
They are allowed to meet only once a year on the night of July 7th when the Galaxy prepares a way for them.
On this day, people decorate bamboo branches.
People write wishes on colorful strips of paper and hang them on the bamboo decoration.