節分 Setsubun


<key words>

the day before the first day of spring   節分

the first day of spring   立春

lunar calendar  太陰暦  

cf. solar calendar  太陽暦

bean throwing    豆まき

scatter  撒く

roasted soy bean  炒った大豆

Fortune in, devil out”     「福は内、鬼は外」

good fortune   福

evil spirit   邪気

“Setsubun” is the day before the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar, usually February 3rd.


The first day of spring is called Risshun in Japanese.


Old days, the Japanese new year started on Risshun ( the first day of spring).
Modern day New Year’s Eve was the day of Setsubun.


On the day of Setsubun bean throwing calledmamemaki” are held in homes, shrines and temples.


People scatter roasted soy beans inside and outside their houses, shouting “Fortune in, devils out“.


It is believed that this ceremony will bring in good fortune and drive away evil spirits.
