梅雨 Rainy Season


<key words>

rainy season     雨季、梅雨

middle of June  6月中旬

last   続く

be different from region to region      地域によって違う

gloomy          うっとうしい

uncomfortable    不快な

humidity      湿度

food poisoning    食中毒

unpleasant time  不愉快な時期

cultivation      栽培

indispensable   必要不可欠な

Thanks to      おかげで

water shortage   水不足

provide       供給する

sufficient       十分な

There is a rainy season called Tsuyu  in Japan.  It begins about middle of June and lasts about a month in most parts of Japan.

日本には梅雨と呼ばれる雨季があります。 梅雨は、日本のほとんどの地域で6月中旬頃から始まり、約1ヶ月続きます

The time when the rainy season starts is different from region to region. It starts Southern part of Japan first and moves to Northern part of Japan. 


It rains almost every day during the rainy season so people feel gloomy and uncomfortable.


As foods tend to get bad quickly due to humidity in this period, we need to be careful to food poisoning.


Although the rainy season can be an unpleasant time, the rain is very important for the cultivation of rice and other crops.


Also rainy season is indispensable to our lives.  Thanks to abundant rainfall in this period, we can avoid water shortage and provide sufficient water.
