<key words>
the Doll’s Festival 雛祭り
wish for 願う
growth and happiness 成長と幸せ
display 展示
Emperor and Empress 天皇(お内裏様)と皇后(お雛様)
servant 仕える人、召使い
five or seven-tiered stand 5段か7段のひな壇
dressed 着ている
the Heian Period 平安時代
on the top shelf 一番上の棚
flat style set 一段のセット
from generation to generation 世代から世代へと
”Hina-matsuri”, also called “the Doll’s Festival“, on March 3rd is a special day for girls
A family with young girls celebrates this day, and wishes for their growth and happiness by setting up a display of special dolls.
A set of dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, their servants and so on is placed on five or seven-tiered stand.
The dolls are dressed in beautiful kimono of the style worn about 1000 years ago in the Heian Period.
The Empress and Emperor are displaced on the top shelf. There is also a flat style set of only these two dolls.
It is popular because it is smaller than five or seven-step style.
お雛様とお内裏様は棚の一番上に飾られます。 これらの人形だけの一段のセットもあります。
Doll sets are often passed on from generation to generation.